
C++ ticket office problem solution (sololearn)

C++ countdown problem solution (sololearn)

C++ transportation problem solution (sololearn)

C++ program to make a simple calculator using functions and pointers

C++ program to find factorial of a number using all four types of functions

C++ program to find the largest number among an array using passing array to a function

HTML program for image map

HTML program for frames

HTML program for frame tag

HTML website for great kings of Rajasthan (website)

C++ program to accept 10 numbers in an array and ask to perform any mathematical function on each element and update the array

C++ program to accept 10 numbers in an array and ask any no. from user and search this number whether it is found in that array and not and print is location

C++ program to print sum of odd numbers from 1-50

C graphics program for battery charging

C++ program for boolean data type

HTML program to make a form just like Google form(website)

My Blog in HTML (website)

C++ program for string concatenation and length

C++ program for references

C++ program to check whether the given character is a letter or special characters. If it is a letter then check it is in small case or in Capital case, then check whether it is vowel or constant and print message accordingly. (Using Nested If)