
C++ program to swap two variables with using third variable

C++ program to swap two variables without using third variable

C++ program to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius

C++ program to convert Celsius into Fahrenheit

C++ program to calculate net salary of an employee also calculate net salary after tax

C++ program to calculate average and percentage of 5 subjects

C++ program to calculate area of a triangle

C++ program to print Hello World

C program to copy a file

Number guessing game in c language

C graphics program for loading

C program to count frequency of numbers in an array

C program to delete given elements from 1d array

C program to print Fibonacci series using recursion

C program to delete a file

C program to check whether a number is magical or not

C program to calculate total salary of an employee

C program to use strlen, strcat, strcmp, strcpy, strrev etc. pre-defined functions of string in one program.

C program to take an array of size 3 and print them and print sum of them using pointers.

C program to calculate net salary of an employee calculate net salary after tax

C program to find length of the string without using predefined functions