
C program to separate odd numbers and even numbers in separate arrays using pointers

C program for pointer of an array

C program for null pointer

C program to copy a string into another string using pointers (passing pointer to a function)

C program to print multiplication table of any no using array

C program to make indian flag

C program to print series 4 16 36 64---n and calculate the sum also

C program to print series 1 4 9 16---n and calculate the sum also

C program to check whether a character is an alphabet or not without using ctype.h header file

C program to check whether a character is an alphabet or not using ctype.h header file

C programs for understanding pointers

C program to print factorial of a given number using recursion

C program for passing 1D array in a function

C program for passing string in a function

C program for passing 2D array in a function

C program to sort array elements using functions

C program to print first 50 numbers using recursion

C program to print sum of natural numbers using recursion

C program to print multiplication of two numbers using all the types of functions

C program to make a bicycle

C program to make a flying bird

C graphics program to make a countdown/timer

C graphics program to make a bouncing ball

C program to make a moving car

C graphics program to make a rainbow 🌈